Average IT Salaries in Manchester

Average IT Salaries in Manchester

In 2019 the average salary for a tech job in Manchester, rose by £550, which means the average salary for an IT job in Manchester is now £40,500.

Salaries can vary depending on what area of IT you are in or would like to go into, and also how much experience you have had. However, the average wage of an IT worker in Manchester is seen as one of the highest paying jobs in the area.

Therefore, below you can find some of the most popular IT jobs and the average salary you would receive in Manchester.

Job Title

Average Salary

Software Developer


Civil Engineer


IT Project Manager


.Net Developer


Business Analyst


Web Developer




IT Security


IT Support


Business Intelligence




Front-End Developer


PHP Developer




Although London has the highest average salary for tech workers, it is also seen as the least affordable place to live as the average price of a flat is £433,000. Manchester, however, has an average flat price of £139,879, making it much more affordable to live off your salary in Manchester.

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